The Low Down on Ceramic Coatings
You’ve probably seen the videos, now it’s time to find out what ceramic coatings are all about.
If you have been paying attention in any way to the world of automotive detailing, you undoubtedly have encountered the buzz of ceramic coatings (also known as “nano-ceramic coatings” or “nano coatings”). You’ve probably seen videos on social media of buckets of mud been thrown over the hood of a car, only to have the mud instantly sheet off leaving barely a trace.
These videos often have a too-good-to-be-true feel to them, and leave many viewers skeptical about the merits of ceramic coatings. People wonder if the videos have been staged have questions like, “why are the bottles so tiny?” and “will the coating ruin my car?”
Today, we’re going to confront the realities of ceramic coatings and investigate whether or not they deliver on their many promises. While the protection offered by these coatings is hard to beat, there are certainly downsides that you need to be aware of.
So you want your car to look as amazing as it did the day you drove it off the lot, but despite your best efforts, you have noticed that your car’s exterior has begun to show signs of age. Scratches, chips, stains have attacked your paint, and the sun has caused fading and dullness.
We know that our car’s exterior is constantly under attack from the elements. Things like mud, dust, acid rain, water spots, and grime stick to your car even moments after a wash. Automatic car washes scratch your paint job, and doing it by hand can get tedious (especially when the results are sub-par).
Wax does a pretty good job at adding a level of shine and gloss, but the constant need for reapplication is frustrating.
Enter ceramic coatings.
Originally designed for use by the oil and space industries, ceramic coatings have now found their way into the automotive sphere. So, what’s the deal?
What is a Ceramic Coating for Cars?
Think of ceramic coatings as a second layer of skin that acts as a sacrificial layer of protection over your car’s clearcoat.
Ceramic coatings were born from nanotechnology. The coatings are essentially tiny particles that spread out to form an incredibly thin layer that is itself completely invisible to the eye. The particles bond on a molecular level with the clearcoat, forming a surface that is completely smooth. That means that the surface becomes completely hydrophobic (water-repellent), and also resistant to scratches, chemical damage, extreme temperatures, and graffiti. The layer itself is transparent, but it preserves what is underneath.
To give you an idea of how thin the coatings actually are, consider that an entire vehicle will be coated with a single 30ml bottle. Once the particles have bonded with the clearcoat, the vehicle becomes encased in a layer of invisible armour that will not wash away or break down over a short period of time. Coatings typically last for years.
Coatings repel dirt and water like nothing else, meaning your car becomes incredibly easy to clean, and their resilience means your car stays mint. To learn more about how ceramic coatings could work on your vehicle, just give us a shout. We’re always happy to chat about your car’s future.