What Makes Summer Accidents So Common?
Statistically, summer is the worst time for driver safety. Here’s why.
Each season brings its own unique set of hazards to our roads and highways. Winter hazards are obvious – shorter days, more rain, more snow, and flat light all contribute to slippery roads and poor visibility. Due to winter’s harsh conditions, many people are surprised to learn that summer is actually the most accident-prone season for motorists.
Here are a few reasons why we should all be a little more careful driving our vehicles in the summertime.
Construction ramps up in the summer to take advantage of the dry weather, longer days, and milder nights. This has several major effects for us as motorists, one is the increase of road debris that can get kicked up and damage our paint. Construction road debris is a big reason why some people invest in Paint Protection Films (PPF).
To facilitate construction, workers often redirect traffic into a new pattern using cones or arrows, allowing them to work on a given stretch of road. Unfamiliar detours, temporary signs and signals, and confusing traffic lanes are all reasons why drivers can get distracted and find themselves having an accident. Just consider how confusing it is trying to find your exit while driving at night through the new McKenzie Interchange.
School’s Out for Summer
Although this year is a little different than most, kids of all ages are still finding themselves free from schoolwork and enjoying their (limited) freedom. For the youngsters, this might mean playing in their front yard or driveways which can lead to balls or frisbees landing in the road. When kids are enthralled in their games, it can be easy for them to forget about road safety and unexpectedly run out into the road. It is up to all of us to be extra vigilant when driving near parks and residential areas.
Older kids may be finding themselves behind the wheel for the first time. This influx of new drivers can make the roads more hazardous, so it’s in all of our best interests to give vehicles with the “L” or “N” badge a little extra room.
The Heat
Summer’s heat has many effects; some are direct mechanical effects on our vehicles and others are changes to human behaviour. Hot temperatures increase the likelihood of cars overheating and pulling over to the shoulder in a cloud of steam, and also increase the likelihood of a tire blowout. Combine those two effects of the heat with increased highway driving in the summer, and it’s no wonder why more accidents occur during the summer.
The other effect of the sunshine is seeing people dusting off their bicycles and motorcycles for the season. Keep an eye out for cyclists and motorcycles that are more vulnerable and more difficult to see than cars.
Road Trip Season
This year, it doesn’t look like anyone is going very far away for their summer adventures. That being said, even people staying in-province will likely find themselves on unfamiliar roads and relying on GPS navigation, which is a serious distraction.
During the summer, many people end up enjoying themselves a little too much in the evenings, if you catch our drift. Be on the lookout for drivers who are under the influence or are recovering from a big night out, as intoxicated driving is also more common during the summer than any other time of year.
How to Handle Minor Collisions
Most accidents are minor, and only cause superficial damage to the vehicles involved. In these instances, it is not in your best interest to involve your insurance company. Avoiding rate hikes and expensive premiums are two great reasons to just get the damage fixed somewhere else. At Island Color, we are experienced in dealing with scrapes, gouges, and dents, and can get you back on the road in no-time for less than your insurance premiums. Check out our minor collision repair services page right here.
Not sure if your damage qualifies as “minor”? No problem! Just send us a picture of the damage through our contact page and we can let you know.